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Friday, February 13, 2015

Fourth Year First Incourse Routine/2015

MSS Final Year Test Exam/2012

Third Year 2nd Incourse Routine

mgvRweÁvb wefvM
ivRkvnx K‡jR, ivRkvnx|
Abvm© 3q el© (2010-2011) 2q Bb‡Kvm© cix¶v -2015

GZØviv 2010-2011 wk¶ve‡l©i 3q e‡l©i QvÎ/QvÎx‡`i AeMwZi Rb¨ Rvbv‡bv hv‡”Q †h, AvMvgx 14/02/2015 ZvwiL †_‡K Zv‡`i 2q Bb‡Kvm© cix¶v ïi“ n‡e| wb‡gœv³ mgqm~Px Abyhvqx Zv‡`i cix¶vq AskMÖn‡bi Rb¨ wb‡`©k †`qv n‡jv|

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L) 11.00 †_‡K 11.50 ch©š—

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‡QvU cÖkœ                  04×01= 04
eo cÖkœ                              10×01= 10
     ‡gvU       =  15 b¤^i

3q el© m¤§vb (2010-2011)
cix¶v KwgwU|

Web Address:

MSS1 (Previous) Syllabus

National University
Syllabus for M.S.S. Part-I Course
Subject : Sociology
Course Description
Subject Code
Course Code
Subject Title
MSoc 101
Introductory Sociology
MSoc 102
Research Methods and Statistics Part-A 50 Part-B 50
MSoc 103
World Civilization and Cultural Anthropology Part-A 50 Part-B 50
MSoc 104
Classical Social Thought
MSoc 105
MSoc 106

Total =
Detailed Syllabus

MSS1 (Previous) Syllabus

Subject Code- 2001 : Introductory Sociology                                                                                 Marks- 100
1.      a.     Definition : Nature and scope of Sociology, Relationship with other social science, Importance with special reference to Bangladesh.
          b.     Emergence of Sociology as a separate discipline, Fourfold origin of Sociology, 19th century social, political,economic and intellectual background of Western Europe, Post World War growth/trend of Sociology.
        [K. msÁv t mgvRweÁv‡bi cÖK…wZ I cwiwa, Ab¨vb¨ mvgvwRK weÁv‡bi mv‡_ m¤úK©, evsjv‡`‡k mgvRweÁv‡bi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv/¸i“Z¡| L. GKwU ¯^Zš¿ welq wn‡m‡e mgvRweÁv‡bi DrcwË, mgvRweÁv‡bi DrcwËMZ PZz©m~Î, Ebwesk kZvãxi cvðvZ¨ BD‡iv‡ci mvgvwRK, ivR‰bwZK, A_©‰bwZK I eyw×e„wËK cUf~wg, wØZxq wek¦hy‡×vËi mgvRweÁv‡bi µgweKvk ev MwZaviv|]
2.      Methods of sociology : Scientific approach, Nature of Sociological inquiry. Methods of sociology, Appropriate methods/techniques of investigation for Bangladesh society and culture.
        [mgvRweÁv‡bi c×wZmg~n t ˆeÁvwbK c×wZ, mgvRZvwË¡K AbymÜv‡bi cÖK…wZ, mgvRweÁv‡bi c×wZmg~n, evsjv‡`‡ki mgvR I ms¯‹…wZ AbymÜv‡bi MÖnY‡hvM¨ c×wZ‡KŠkj|]
3.      Basic concepts of sociology : Society, Social groups, Social institution, association, community, organization, Culture, civilization, Cultural lag, norms, values, folkways, mores. gameinshaft, gesellshaft, Social system.
        [mgvRweÁv‡bi †gŠj cÖZ¨qmg~n t mgvR, mvgvwRK `j ev †Mvôx, mvgvwRK cÖwZôvb, msN, m¤cÖ`vq, msMVb, ms¯‹…wZ, mf¨Zv, mvs¯‹…wZK e¨eavb, wbqgbxwZ ev Av`k©, g~j¨‡eva, †jvKvPvi, †jvKbxwZ, †Rwgb‡mÞ, †R‡mj‡mÞ, mvgvwRK e¨e¯’v|]
4.      Factors of social life : Geographical factor, cultural factor, biological factor, Social structural factor, Groups and types of groups, Socialization-agencies of socialization, Relevance with Bangladesh society.
        [mvgvwRK Rxe‡bi Dcv`vbmg~n t †fŠ‡MvwjK Dcv`vb, mvs¯‹…wZK Dcv`vb, eskMwZK Dcv`vb, mvgvwRK KvVv‡gvMZ Dcv`vb, `j Ges `‡ji cÖKvi‡f`, mvgvwRKxKiY-mvgvwRKxKi‡Yi gva¨gmg~n, evsjv‡`‡ki mgv‡Ri mv‡_ m¤ú„³Zv|]
5.      Social process : Competition, Corporation, Conflict, Adaptation, Assimilation, Accommodation.
        [mvgvwRK cÖwµqv t mn‡hvwMZv, cÖwZ‡hvwMZv, Ø›Ø, Awf‡hvRb, AvZ¥xKiY, Dc‡hvRb|]
6.      Social institution : Delimitation, nature and role of institutions, family and marriage, Economic institution, Panicle institution, Education, Bureaucracy, Property, Religion-detail discussion.
        [mvgvwRK cÖwZôvbmg~n t mxgv wb‡`©k Kiv, cÖwZôv‡bi cÖK…wZ Ges f~wgKv, cwievi Ges weevn, A_©‰bwZK cÖwZôvb, ivR‰bwZK cÖwZôvb, wk¶v, AvgjvZš¿, m¤úwË, ag©-we¯—vwiZ Av‡jvPbv|]
7.      Social stratification and mobility : Meaning of stratification, Slavery caste, Class, Role and status, Age and gender, Elite theory, Social mobility, Urbanization and changing society in Bangladesh.
        [mvgvwRK ¯—iweb¨vm I MwZkxjZv t ¯—iweb¨v‡mi A_©, `vmcÖ_v, RvwZeY©cÖ_v, †kªYx, f~wgKv I gh©v`v, eqm I wj½, GwjU ZË¡, mvgvwRK MwZkxjZv ev mPjZv, bMivqY I evsjv‡`‡ki mgv‡Ri cwieZ©b|]
8.      Social deviance and disorganization : Deviant behaviour, Nature and main varieties, Juvenile delinquency, Crime, Social control, Agencies of control, Social disorganization, Problem of interrelation, Anomie alienation and individuation.
        [mvgvwRK wePz¨wZ I AmsMwZ t wePz¨Z AvPiY, cÖK…wZ Ges cÖKvi‡f`, wK‡kvi Aciva, Aciva, mvgvwRK wbqš¿Y, wbqš¿‡Yi evnbmg~n, mvgvwRK AmsMwZ, Avš—tm¤ú‡K©i mgm¨v, Av`k©nxb wew”QbœZv I e¨w³¯^Zš¿xKiY|]
9.      Major social problems of Bangladesh : Poverty, Beggary, Unemployment and Prostitution, Vagrancy, Divorce and Malnutrition.
        [evsjv‡`‡ki cÖavb mvgvwRK mgm¨vmg~n t `vwi`ª¨, wf¶ve„wË, †eKviZ¡, cwZZve„wË, feNy‡i, weevnwe‡”Q` Ges Acywó|]
10.    Social change : Theories of social change, Evolution, Development and Progress, Social movement revolution.
        [mvgvwRK cwieZ©b t mvgvwRK cwieZ©‡bi ZË¡, weeZ©b, Dbœqb I cÖMwZ, mvgvwRK Av‡›`vjb, wec­e|]

MSS1 (Previous) Syllabus

Subject Code- 2002 : Research Methods and Statistics                                                             Marks- 100
Part-A                                                                                                                                                               Marks- 50
1.      Social reality and social research, Sociology as a scientific study of social relations, Nature of scientific method, Objectivity and subjectivity, Objectivity in sociological research.
        [mvgvwRK ev¯—eZv I M‡elYv, mvgvwRK m¤ú‡K©i ˆeÁvwbK cVb wn‡m‡e mgvRweÁvb, ˆeÁvwbK c×wZi cÖK…wZ, e¯‘wbôZv Ges fvewbôZv, mvgvwRK M‡elYvi e¯‘wbôZv|]
2.      Characteristics and types of social research : Purposes of social research - pure research, applied research, action research, evaluation research.
        [mvgvwRK M‡elYvi ˆewkó¨ Ges aib t mvgvwRK M‡elYvi j¶¨ ev D‡Ïk¨, cÖK…Z M‡elYv, cÖv‡qvwMK M‡elYv, Kvh© M‡elYv, g~j¨vqb M‡elYv|]
3.      Basic concepts of social research : Concept, Paradigm, Construct, Variable, Proposition, Hypothesis, Theory, Model, Observation, Method, Methodology, Data, Unit of analysis, Levels measurement, Theory, Generalisation, Hypothesis, Relationship between generalisation and hypothesis.
        [mvgvwRK M‡elYvi †gŠwjK cÖZ¨qmg~n t aviYv, c¨vivWvBg, MVb, PjK, c~e©aviYv, cÖKí ev AbyKí, ZË¡, g‡Wj, ch©‡e¶Y c×wZ, M‡elYv c×wZ, Z_¨ ev DcvË, we‡k­l‡Yi GKK, cwigv‡ci ¯—i, mvaviYxKiY, AbyKí, mvaviYxKiY Ges AbyK‡íi g‡a¨ m¤úK©|]
4.      Methods of research, Historical methods, Observation method, Comparative method, Case study, Social survey, Content analysis, Document study etc.
        [M‡elYvi c×wZ, HwZnvwmK c×wZ, ch©‡e¶Y c×wZ, Zzjbvg~jK c×wZ, †Km ÷vwW, mvgvwRK Rwic, welqe¯‘ we‡k­lY, WKz‡g›U ÷vwW|]
5.      The research process : Conceptualisation of research problem, Statement of objectives, Data collection, Processing and analysis, Reporting of findings.
        [M‡elYv cÖwµqv t M‡elYv mgm¨vi Abyaveb, D‡Ï‡k¨i eY©bv, Z_¨ msMÖn, cÖwµqvRvZKiY I we‡k­lY, cÖvß wel‡qi cÖwZ‡e`b cÖ¯‘ZKiY|]
6.      Research and theory : Theory construction and explanation, Elements of theory, Formats of theory, Types of theory construction.
        [M‡elYv I ZË¡ t ZË¡ MVb I we‡k­lY, Z‡Ë¡i Dcv`vb, Z‡Ë¡i KvVv‡gv, ZË¡ MV‡bi cÖKvi‡f`|]
7.      Research design : Statement of the problem, Objectives of research, Statement of hypothesis, Review of literature, Conceptual framework, Methodology, Citation and bibliography, Time budget, Financial budget etc.
        [M‡elYv bKkv t mgm¨vi weeiY, M‡elYvi welqe¯‘, AbyK‡íi weeiY, mvwnZ¨ ch©v‡jvPbv, aviYvMZ KvVv‡gv, M‡elYv c×wZi D‡j­LKiY Ges MÖš’cwÄ, mgq ev‡RU, Avw_©K ev‡RU|]
8.      Format and technicalities of research report : Preliminaries, Main text and finalities.
        [cÖwZ‡e`‡bi KvVv‡gv I †KŠkj t cÖv_wgK Av‡jvPbv, cÖavb welq Ges me©‡kl ch©v‡jvPbv|]
Part-B                                                                                                                                                               Marks- 50
1.      Social statistic : Purpose and limitations, Function of social statistics, Problems of generalization and prediction in sociology.
        [mvgvwRK cwimsL¨vb t D‡Ïk¨ I mxgve×Zv, mvgvwRK cwimsL¨v‡bi Kvh©vewj, mvaviYxKi‡Yi Amyweav Ges mgvRweÁv‡b fwel¨KiY|]
2.      Theory and measurement : Theory and hypothesis, Operational definition.
        [ZË¡ Ges cwigvc t ZË¡ Ges cÖKí ev c~e©vbygvb, Kvh©Kix msÁv|]
3.      Scale of measurement : Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and ratio, Proportion, Percentage and ratio.
        [cwigv‡ci †¯‹j t bvg msµvš—, µg ch©vqm~PK ev c~iY evPK, weivg Kvj Ges AbycvZ, mgvbycvZ, kZKiv nvi I AbycvZ|]
4.      Frequency distribution and graphic representation of data : Measure of central tendency, Measurement of dispersion, The normal distribution.
        [MYmsL¨v wb‡ekb Ges †jLwP‡Îi mvnv‡h¨ DcvË Dc¯’vcb t †K›`ªxq cÖeYZvi cwigvc, we¯—vi cwigvc, mvaviY web¨vm|]
5.      Probability : The binomial distribution, Single sample test involving means and proportions, Samples, Central limit theorem and the law of large members.
        [m¤¢vebv t wØbvgx eÈb, Mo Ges mgvbycv‡Zi †¶‡Î GKK bgybv cix¶v, bgybvmg~n, †K›`ªxq mxgv Dccv`¨ Ges e„nËi msL¨v AvBb|]
6.      Sampling : Probability and non-probability sampling.
        [bgybvqb t m¤¢vebv I wbtm¤¢vebv bgybvqb|]
7.      Point of interval estimation : Difference of means and proportions, Ordinal scale, Two simple non-parameters tests, Power and power efficiency, Nominal scale, Contingency problems. The Chi-square test.
        [weivgm~PK we›`y wnmve t Mo Ges mgvbycv‡Zi cv_©K¨, c~iYevPK †¯‹j ev gvcbx, `yB bgybvi Aaª“eK cix¶v, ¶gZv Ges ¶gZvi †hvM¨Zv ev `¶Zv, bvgm~PK †¯‹j ev gvcbx, AvKw¯§K mgm¨vmg~n, KvB eM© cix¶v|]
8.      Analysis of variance : Simple analysis of variance, Two way analysis of variance, Factor analysis. [†f`v¼ we‡k­lY t mij †f`v¼ we‡k­lY, wØc¶ †f`v¼ we‡k­lY, Drcv`K we‡k­lY|]
9.      Correlation and regression : Linear correlation and least square, Correlation significance test. T-test and F-test, Co-efficient interval non-linear correlation, Multiple and partial correlation.
        [mnm¤úK© I wbf©iY t mij mnm¤úK© Ges b~¨bZg eM© Ges mnm¤ú‡K©i ¸i“Z¡ cix¶v, wU-†U÷ Ges Gd-†U÷, mgvbycvZmn m¤^Ü mnM, weivgm~PK mnm¤úK©, eûgyLx Ges AvswkK mnm¤úK©|]


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