Friday, February 13, 2015

MSS1(Previous) Syllabus

Subject Code- 2003 : World Civilization and Cultural Anthropology                                     Marks- 100
Part-A                                                                                                                                                               Marks- 50
1.      a.     Concept of Historical time, History and pre-history.
          b.    Definition of Social History : Nature and scope of social history, sources of social history, Relationship with sociology, Anthropology, Archaeology and history, Importance of social history.
        [K. HwZnvwmK hy‡Mi aviYv, HwZnvwmK hyM Ges cÖv‰MwZnvwmK hyM| L. mvgvwRK BwZnv‡mi msÁv t mvgvwRK BwZnv‡mi cÖK…wZ Ges cwiwa, mvgvwRK BwZnv‡mi Drm, mgvRweÁvb, b„weÁvb, cÖZœZË¡ we`¨v Ges BwZnv‡mi mv‡_ mvgvwRK BwZnv‡mi m¤úK©, mvgvwRK BwZnv‡mi ¸i“Z¡|]
2.      Stages of Social Evolution : Lithic ages and primitive society, Culture of various lithic, Stages of socio-cultural development-primitive society, Hunting-gathering, Pastoral, Horticultural, Agricultural, Industrial society and post-industrial society.
        [mvgvwRK weeZ©‡bi avcmg~n t cv_‡ii hyMmg~n Ges Avw`g mgvR, cv_‡ii hy‡Mi wewfbœ ch©v‡qi ms¯‹…wZ, mvgvwRK mvs¯‹…wZK Dbœq‡bi ch©vq, Avw`g mgvR, wkKvi Ges msMÖn mgvR, cïcvjb mgvR, D`¨vb K…wlwbf©i
 mgvR, K…wl mgvR, wkí mgvR Ges wkí cieZx© mgvR|]
3.      Civilization : Definition, Theories of rise and fall of civilization-Spangler, Toynbee, Ibn Khaldun, Origin of river valley civilizations. [mf¨Zv t msÁv, mf¨Zvi DÌvb I cZ‡bi gZev` ev ZË¡, †¯úsjvi, U‡qbex, Be‡b Lvj`yb, b`x DcZ¨Kv mf¨Zvi DrcwË|]
4.      Ancient Civilization : Mesoptamian Civilization, Egyptian civilization, Indus valley civilization, Greek civilization, Roman civilization.
        [cÖvPxb mf¨Zv t †g‡mvc‡Ugxq mf¨Zv, wgkixq mf¨Zv, wmÜz mf¨Zv, wMÖK mf¨Zv, †ivgvb mf¨Zv|]
5.      Rise of Capitalism : Phases of growth of capitalism in the west, Factors of growth of capitalism in the west, Calvinism, Martin Luther and Protestant philosophy, Hindrance to the growth of Capitalism in the Indian subcontinent, Colonialism and exploitation, Cultural and social changes in the subcontinent, Uprising against colonial rule.
        [cuywRev‡`i DÌvb t cvðv‡Z¨ cuywRev` weKv‡ki avcmg~n, cvðv‡Z¨ cuywRev` weKv‡ki KviY, K¨vjwfb gZev`, gvwU©b jy_vi Ges †cÖv‡U÷¨v›U gZev`, Kg© Ges Rxeb cÖYvjxi `k©‡bi cwieZ©b, fviZxq Dcgnv‡`‡k cuywRev` weKv‡ki cÖwZeÜKZv, Dcwb‡ekev` Ges †kvlY, Dcgnv‡`‡ki mvs¯‹…wZK Ges mvgvwRK cwieZ©b, Jcwb‡ewkK kvm‡bi wei“‡× we‡`ªvn|]
6.      Social History of Bangladesh : Sources of social history of Bangladesh, Aspect of pre-Islamic society-People and Culture, Archaeological sites at Mainamati, Pharpur, Pundranagar etc., Advent of Islam in Bengal, Changes in society and culture, Role of the Muslim saints and social integration, Muslim rule and life and culture of Bengal, Attempts of Hindu revivalism-Vaisnavism and other movements, British colonial era (1758-1947) Anti-colonial struggle its nature and consequences. [evsjv‡`‡ki mvgvwRK BwZnvm t evsjv‡`‡ki mvgvwRK BwZnv‡mi Drmmg~n, cÖvK-Bmjvwg mgv‡Ri Ae¯’v-RbmvaviY Ges ms¯‹…wZ, evsjvq Bmjv‡gi Avwef©ve, mgvR I ms¯‹…wZi cwieZ©b, gymwjg `i‡ek‡`i f~wgKv Ges mvgvwRK msnwZ, gymwjg kvmb Ges evsjvi Rxeb I ms¯‹…wZ, wn›`y cybi“¾xe‡bi c`‡¶c, ˆeòeev` Ges Ab¨vb¨ Av‡›`vjb, weªwUk Jcwb‡ewkK kvmb (1756-1947), Dcwb‡ek we‡ivax Av‡›`vj‡bi cÖK…wZ I cÖfve|]
Part-B                                                                                                                                                               Marks- 50
1.      Anthropology : The branches of anthropology, Definition, Nature, Scope and method and theories of anthropology and cultural anthropology.
        [b„weÁvb t b„weÁv‡bi kvLvmg~n, b„weÁv‡bi msÁv, cÖK…wZ, cwiwa, c×wZ Ges ZË¡mg~n Ges mvs¯‹…wZK b„weÁvb|]
2.      Concept of culture : Origin of the concept of culture, culture vs Nature, Characteristics of culture, Culture and process, Culture Variation, Paradoxes of culture, Patterns of culture, Cultural universals, Cultural lag.
        [ms¯‹…wZi aviYv t ms¯‹…wZi aviYvi DrcwË, ms¯‹…wZ ebvg cÖK…wZ, ms¯‹…wZi ˆewkó¨, ms¯‹…wZ Ges cÖwµqv, ms¯‹…wZi wewfbœZv, mvs¯‹…wZK KzUvfvm, ms¯‹…wZi aib, ms¯‹…wZi me©RbxbZv, mvs¯‹…wZK e¨eavb|]
3.      Marriage and family : Definition, functions and types, Morgans theory of evaluation of family. [weevn Ges cwievi t msÁv, Kvh©vewj Ges cÖKvi‡f`, cwiev‡ii weeZ©b m¤ú‡K© gM©v‡bi ZË¡|]
4.      Religion and magic : Origin of religion-Tayler theory, Functions of religion, Religion as focal point of cultural, Distinction between religion and magic, Magical practices and its influence on society, Totem and Taboo, Ritual and rites, Belief.
        [a‡g©i DrcwË t †UBj‡ii gZev`, a‡g©i Kvh©vewj, ms¯‹…wZi `„wó‡KvY †_‡K ag©, ag© I Rv`ywe`¨vi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨, Rv`yi Abykxjb I mgv‡R Gi cÖfve, †Uv‡Ug Ges Uvey, AvPvi, Abyôvb Ges wek¦vm|]
5.      Concept of race : Classification of races, their features, Racial composition of Bangaless.
        [bi‡Mvôxi aviYv t bi‡Mvôxi cÖKvi‡f`, Gi ˆewkó¨, evOvwji bi‡MvôxMZ cwiPq|]
6.      Schools of Anthropology, evolutionary school, functionalist school and deffusionist school.
        [b„weÁv‡bi ¯‹zjmg~n, weeZ©bev` ¯‹zj, wµqvev` ¯‹zj, e¨vwßev` ¯‹zj|]


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