Subject Code-
2004 : Classical Social Thought Marks-
Definition of social though, Nature
of social though, Human social evolution and growth of ideas and thoughts
across the ages-Pastoral society and social thought, Agricultural society and
social thought, Systemic development of social thought had its start in the
realm of philosophical inquisitiveness in ancient time and ultimately reached
at stage of social knowledge and analysis. The Pioneers are :
1. Plato : Ideal state
and philosopher king, Communism, Society and Justice, Theory of education,
Family and marriage.
[†c‡Uv t Av`k© ivóª Ges `vk©wbK ivRv,
mvg¨ev`, mgvR Ges b¨vqwePvi, wk¶v ZË¡, cwievi Ges weevn|]
2. Aristotle : Origin and
nature of state, Approach to slavery, Theory of property, Classification of
government, Causes and prevention of revaluation.
[Gwi÷Uj t
iv‡óªi DrcwË Ges cÖK…wZ, `vmcÖ_vi aib, m¤úwË ZË¡, miKv‡ii †kªYxwefvM, weeZ©‡bi
KviY I cÖwZKvimg~n|]
3. Aquinas : Kinship,
Types of laws, Synthesis of laws.
[GKzBbvm t ÁvwZZË¡, AvB‡bi †kªYxwefvM,
AvB‡bi ms‡klY|]
4. Al-Beruni :
Ethnographic method of study, Social structure of medieval northern India etc.
[Avj-†ei“bx t b„ZvwË¡K c×wZi PP©v,
ga¨hyMxq DËi fviZxq mgvRKvVv‡gv cÖf„wZ|]
5. Ibn Khaldum : New
science-study of culture, Sociological and Anthropological concepts (Asabyah),
Rise and fall of dynasty (civilization) etc.
[Be‡b Lvj`yb t ms¯‹…wZi be¨ weÁvbwfwËK
PP©v, mgvRweÁvb I b„weÁvbwfwËK aviYv (Avmvweqv) ivRes‡ki DÌvb I cZb (mf¨ZvwfwËK)
6. Abul Fazal :
Ain-e-Akbari, Social history of Indian subcontinent, Revenue system.
[Aveyj dRj t AvBb-B-AvKeix, fviZxq
Dcgnv‡`‡ki mvgvwRK BwZnvm, Ki ev ivR¯^ c×wZ|]
Subject Code- 2005 : Tutorial Marks-
Subject Code- 2006 : Viva-Voce Marks-