Subject Code-
2002 : Research Methods and Statistics Marks-
1. Social reality and
social research, Sociology as a scientific study of social relations, Nature of
scientific method, Objectivity and subjectivity, Objectivity in sociological
[mvgvwRK ev¯—eZv I M‡elYv, mvgvwRK
m¤ú‡K©i ˆeÁvwbK cVb wn‡m‡e mgvRweÁvb, ˆeÁvwbK c×wZi cÖK…wZ, e¯‘wbôZv Ges
fvewbôZv, mvgvwRK M‡elYvi e¯‘wbôZv|]
2. Characteristics and types of
social research : Purposes of social research - pure research, applied
research, action research, evaluation research.
[mvgvwRK M‡elYvi ˆewkó¨ Ges aib t
mvgvwRK M‡elYvi j¶¨ ev D‡Ïk¨, cÖK…Z M‡elYv, cÖv‡qvwMK M‡elYv, Kvh© M‡elYv,
g~j¨vqb M‡elYv|]
3. Basic concepts of social
research : Concept, Paradigm, Construct, Variable, Proposition, Hypothesis, Theory, Model,
Observation, Method, Methodology, Data, Unit of analysis, Levels measurement,
Theory, Generalisation, Hypothesis, Relationship between generalisation and
[mvgvwRK M‡elYvi †gŠwjK cÖZ¨qmg~n t
aviYv, c¨vivWvBg, MVb, PjK, c~e©aviYv, cÖKí ev AbyKí, ZË¡, g‡Wj, ch©‡e¶Y c×wZ,
M‡elYv c×wZ, Z_¨ ev DcvË, we‡kl‡Yi GKK, cwigv‡ci ¯—i, mvaviYxKiY, AbyKí,
mvaviYxKiY Ges AbyK‡íi g‡a¨ m¤úK©|]
4. Methods of
research, Historical methods, Observation method, Comparative method, Case
study, Social survey, Content analysis, Document study etc.
[M‡elYvi c×wZ, HwZnvwmK c×wZ, ch©‡e¶Y
c×wZ, Zzjbvg~jK c×wZ, †Km ÷vwW, mvgvwRK Rwic, welqe¯‘ we‡klY, WKz‡g›U ÷vwW|]
5. The research process :
Conceptualisation of research problem, Statement of objectives, Data
collection, Processing and analysis, Reporting of findings.
[M‡elYv cÖwµqv t M‡elYv mgm¨vi Abyaveb,
D‡Ï‡k¨i eY©bv, Z_¨ msMÖn, cÖwµqvRvZKiY I we‡klY, cÖvß wel‡qi cÖwZ‡e`b
6. Research and theory : Theory
construction and explanation, Elements of theory, Formats of theory, Types of
theory construction.
[M‡elYv I ZË¡ t ZË¡ MVb I we‡klY, Z‡Ë¡i
Dcv`vb, Z‡Ë¡i KvVv‡gv, ZË¡ MV‡bi cÖKvi‡f`|]
7. Research design : Statement
of the problem, Objectives of research, Statement of hypothesis, Review of
literature, Conceptual framework, Methodology, Citation and bibliography, Time
budget, Financial budget etc.
[M‡elYv bKkv t mgm¨vi weeiY, M‡elYvi
welqe¯‘, AbyK‡íi weeiY, mvwnZ¨ ch©v‡jvPbv, aviYvMZ KvVv‡gv, M‡elYv c×wZi
D‡jLKiY Ges MÖš’cwÄ, mgq ev‡RU, Avw_©K ev‡RU|]
8. Format and technicalities of
research report : Preliminaries, Main text and finalities.
[cÖwZ‡e`‡bi KvVv‡gv I †KŠkj t cÖv_wgK
Av‡jvPbv, cÖavb welq Ges me©‡kl ch©v‡jvPbv|]
1. Social statistic : Purpose and
limitations, Function of social statistics, Problems of generalization and
prediction in sociology.
[mvgvwRK cwimsL¨vb t D‡Ïk¨ I mxgve×Zv,
mvgvwRK cwimsL¨v‡bi Kvh©vewj, mvaviYxKi‡Yi Amyweav Ges mgvRweÁv‡b fwel¨KiY|]
2. Theory and measurement : Theory and
hypothesis, Operational definition.
[ZË¡ Ges cwigvc t ZË¡ Ges cÖKí ev
c~e©vbygvb, Kvh©Kix msÁv|]
3. Scale of measurement : Nominal,
Ordinal, Interval and ratio, Proportion, Percentage and ratio.
†¯‹j t bvg msµvš—, µg ch©vqm~PK ev c~iY evPK, weivg Kvj Ges AbycvZ, mgvbycvZ,
kZKiv nvi I AbycvZ|]
4. Frequency distribution and
graphic representation of data : Measure of central tendency,
Measurement of dispersion, The normal distribution.
wb‡ekb Ges †jLwP‡Îi mvnv‡h¨ DcvË Dc¯’vcb t †K›`ªxq cÖeYZvi cwigvc, we¯—vi
cwigvc, mvaviY web¨vm|]
5. Probability : The
binomial distribution, Single sample test involving means and proportions,
Samples, Central limit theorem and the law of large members.
t wØbvgx eÈb, Mo Ges mgvbycv‡Zi †¶‡Î GKK bgybv cix¶v, bgybvmg~n, †K›`ªxq mxgv
Dccv`¨ Ges e„nËi msL¨v AvBb|]
6. Sampling : Probability
and non-probability sampling.
[bgybvqb t m¤¢vebv I wbtm¤¢vebv
7. Point of interval estimation
: Difference of means and proportions, Ordinal scale, Two simple non-parameters tests, Power and power
efficiency, Nominal scale, Contingency problems. The Chi-square test.
[weivgm~PK we›`y wnmve t Mo Ges
mgvbycv‡Zi cv_©K¨, c~iYevPK †¯‹j ev gvcbx, `yB bgybvi Aaª“eK cix¶v, ¶gZv Ges
¶gZvi †hvM¨Zv ev `¶Zv, bvgm~PK †¯‹j ev gvcbx, AvKw¯§K mgm¨vmg~n, KvB eM©
8. Analysis of variance : Simple
analysis of variance, Two way analysis of variance, Factor analysis. [†f`v¼ we‡klY t mij †f`v¼ we‡klY, wØc¶ †f`v¼ we‡klY, Drcv`K
9. Correlation and regression : Linear
correlation and least square, Correlation significance test. T-test and F-test,
Co-efficient interval non-linear correlation, Multiple and partial correlation.
[mnm¤úK© I wbf©iY t mij mnm¤úK© Ges
b~¨bZg eM© Ges mnm¤ú‡K©i ¸i“Z¡ cix¶v, wU-†U÷ Ges Gd-†U÷, mgvbycvZmn m¤^Ü mnM,
weivgm~PK mnm¤úK©, eûgyLx Ges AvswkK mnm¤úK©|]